Pilates Class Pricing
Invented by Joseph Pilates and originally called “Contrology” in the 1920’s. Pilates is a total body exercise method which emphasizes correct breathing, flow, core work, proper alignment, and technique. There is integration of body and mind while inducing a sense of relaxation and well being. Emphasize is on the development of functional and sustainable movement patterns throughout the entire body.
Strength is gained from a non-rigid low impact consistent repetitive practice. The “flow” as we call it, is combined with balancing strength, mobility and flexibility while supporting the joints. Pilates can help you move and breathe with more freedom and less pain.
Reformer Classes
*Created by Viktor Uygan of Konnect Method, Konnector is a single-rope pulley system for independent and simultaneous movement of arms and legs. Konnector engages your whole body providing continuous proprioceptive feedback and stronger core activation.
Mat Classes
Apparatus Classes
– Joseph Pilates.
– Joseph Pilates.